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A member registered Aug 05, 2022

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(1 edit)

ok apparently that was the issue the entire time.  Thank you for helping me figure it out. 

I've been using  my mouse mainly to move around. the only time i use the arrow keys is when it doesn't let me use my mouse to move. i also tried redownloading the game files. it still does the same thing. but the other set of game files you have on there i can download them i just cant access them because nothing on my computer supports it for some reason

i like the game but every time i get to this part i can't get anywhere.

the picture i posted is where i got stuck. it wont let me do anything else. its frozen like that. i haven't been able to get past this specific part.

not yet still playing it. Just thought I'd let you know about the issues I had run into. But I'll let you know if I run into any other issues. 

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I know I got stuck on a part of the wood but I cant specify which part or area because it tends to look the same to me.  But it was around the areas where the things you stepped on to get to the other side. when I got to the part where the children were standing next to the witches pot and the witch was standing there and i kinda walked towards or past the pot and it transported me and the witch to the edge of the area into a wall basically where I couldn't move or do anything. Me and the witch were completely frozen and that's when I had to restart the game. 

ok so far i ran into a few issues while playing the game where i got stuck and i could not move at all because the game froze and i just had to completely restart the game.

it's an amazing well thought out game. The art  in it as well is very beautiful and detailed and it is a game that I will definitely play many times over!!!